Root Canal Alternative Treatment - Holistic Dentistry NJ | Dr. Philip Memoli
A root canal-treated (RCT) or root-filled tooth is one in which the dental nerve, commonly called the pulp, is intentionally removed and is filled with an inert material called gutta percha. Once an RCT is performed, the tooth must be restored with a post and a crown. These will strengthen the tooth and prevent a crack or fracture from developing after treatment. A good analogy is a tree branch. Does tooth pain indicate i need a root canal? A dentist first will tap on several teeth and look for signs of an abscess or a radiograph. A tooth with constant or severe pain does not necessarily indicate the need for a root canal. These include sinus infections, myofascial pain, neurovascular disorders, neuralgias (a common cause), neuritis (a viral infection of the tooth), neuropathy, and neuromas. Even heart attacks can refer pain to the teeth of the lower jaw. How is a root canal properly diagnosed? A root canal is a treatment, not a diagnosis. Good dentistry, like...