Root Canal Alternative Dentistry | Berkeley Heights, NJ
A Root canal-treated (RCT) or root-filled tooth is one in which the dental nerve, commonly called the pulp, is intentionally removed and is filled with an inert material called gotta perch. WHAT ARE THE PROS AND CONS OF ROOT CANALS? The pro of a root canal is obvious: the painful or dead tooth is treated and extraction is avoided. But we must ask two key questions before starting a root canal. Can the tooth be restored? Can a predictable RCT be performed, or are there risks for a poor result? The question regarding the safety of failed root canals may never be adequately answered. Also, the basic question about whether a root canal failure can be determined due to pain is still debated. Pain, as we have discussed, shows little correlation to histologist findings. Root canal failure, an issue of systemic proportion, remains a little understood and hotly debated subject. Contact us : (908) 464-9144 More Information: ww...