
Showing posts from May, 2017

Root Canal Alternative Dentistry | Berkeley Heights, NJ

A Root canal-treated (RCT) or root-filled tooth is one in which the dental nerve, commonly called the pulp, is intentionally removed and is filled with an inert material called gotta perch.  WHAT ARE THE PROS AND CONS OF ROOT CANALS?    The pro of a root canal is obvious: the painful or dead tooth is treated and extraction is avoided. But we must ask two key questions before starting a root  canal.  Can the tooth be restored? Can a predictable RCT be performed, or are there risks for a poor result? The question regarding the safety of failed root canals may never be adequately answered. Also, the basic question about whether a root canal failure can be determined due to pain is still debated. Pain, as we have discussed, shows little correlation to histologist findings. Root canal failure, an issue of systemic proportion, remains a little understood and hotly debated subject.  Contact us : (908) 464-9144 More Information: ww...


A root canal is a treatment, not a diagnosis. Good dentistry , like good medicine, starts with a proper diagnosis of the tooth.   In order to confirm a proper diagnosis, we need to establish two facts: the cause and the effect. Some dentists argue that a diagnosis is academic and a waste of a patient’s time. The result is always the same, they say, a root canal. However, establishing a true diagnosis of tooth pain may avert an unnecessary root canal of an otherwise healthy tooth. WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS ONCE A ROOT CANAL IS INEVITABLE? It is important to understand that all teeth problems are unique. No treatment is universal. Individual circumstances may dictate that a specific treatment is not an option. Alternatively, perhaps one option will offer a superior result over another. Once the dental nerve has been properly diagnosed as dead, we can assume that the dental nerve space inside the tooth (called the root canal system) and the bone surrounding th...
Pediatric dental wellness program  helps your child to learn the lessons of proper health maintenance and nutritional habits that prevent dental disease. You can bring your child for his or her first dental exam after all the baby teeth are in—generally, between ages three and five. Our pediatric wellness program begins with a three-part, comprehensive exam that checks tooth diagnosis, jaw development diagnosis, and periodontal diagnosis. The tooth diagnosis assesses tooth development, tooth mineralization, and decay development. The jaw development diagnosis examines jaw development and alignment of the teeth. The periodontal diagnosis is an examination for teen gingivitis. The purpose of pediatric wellness is to prevent  Dental Disease in Children . Such dental afflictions occur in five stages: Stage I examines the underlying causes of a child’s dental problems. Stage II looks for oral susceptibility to dental diseases in teeth, gums, and jaw. Stage II...

Holistic Paediatric Dentistry in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey

Pediatric tooth decay is on the rise. Some research suggests that systemic causes—including radiation exposure, hormonal abnormalities, and foreign proteins in food—are to blame. Hypo generalization, caused mainly by a diet inadequate in minerals, increases a child’s susceptibility to decay. The purpose of pediatric wellness is to prevent dental disease in children . Tooth decay in children falls into distinct categories: ·          Baby teeth versus adult teeth ·          Anterior (front) vs. posterior (back) tooth patterns ·          Contract-lateral tooth patterns ·          Decay clustering ·          Post-eruption susceptibility A Pediatric dental wellness program helps your child to learn the lessons of proper health maintenance and nutritional habits...

Childhood Dental Problems and Pediatric Dentistry | *New Jersey

The prevalence of pediatric tooth decay—sometimes, aggressive decay—is rising, even among children who have nutritious diets that are low in sugar. Research points toward systemic problems, caused by factors such as radiation exposure, hormonal abnormalities, reaction to foreign proteins in foods, and/or improper mineralization. There are specific patterns of tooth decay. The age of the patient is sometimes a factor in these patterns. Baby teeth vs. adult teeth. Anterior (front) vs. posterior (back) tooth patterns Contra-lateral tooth patterns. Decay clustering. Post-eruption susceptibility. When you enroll your child in a pediatric wellness program, the child benefits by: Getting a lifetime lesson about taking responsibility for his or her health. Learning good nutritional habits that contribute to systemic wellness, which greatly contributes to good oral health. Getting a head start on preventing dental disease. Our next article discusses the many benefits of...

Root Canal Alternative | Holistic Dentistry NJ - Dr. Philip Memoli

A Root canal-treated (RCT) or root-filled tooth is one in which the dental nerve, commonly called the pulp, is intentionally removed and is filled with an inert material called gotta perch. WHAT ARE THE PROS AND CONS OF ROOT CANALS?     The pro of a root canal is obvious: the painful or dead tooth is treated and extraction is avoided. But we must ask two key questions before starting a root canal.   Can the tooth be restored?   Can a predictable RCT be performed, or are there risks for a poor result? The question regarding the safety of failed root canals may never be adequately answered. Also, the basic question about whether a root canal failure can be determined due to pain is still debated. Pain, as we have discussed, shows little correlation to histological findings. Root canal failure, an issue of systemic proportion, remains a little understood and hotly debated subject. Contact us : (908) 464-9144 or   Ema...

Dentist Pediatric || Dental Information || Holistic Dentist NJ

Pediatric tooth decay is on the rise. Some research suggests that systemic causes—including radiation exposure, hormonal abnormalities, and foreign proteins in food—are to blame. Hypomineralization, caused mainly by a diet inadequate in minerals, increases a child’s susceptibility to decay. The systemic theory of decay suggests that other factors become relevant only after hypomineralization has begun. Tooth decay in children falls into distinct categories: Baby teeth versus adult teeth Anterior (front) vs. posterior (back) tooth patterns Contra-lateral tooth patterns Decay clustering Post-eruption susceptibility A pediatric dental wellness program helps your child to learn the lessons of proper health maintenance and nutritional habits that prevent dental disease. You can bring your child for his or her first dental exam after all the baby teeth are in—generally, between ages three and five. Our pediatric wellness program begins with a three-part, comprehensive ex...

Natural Detoxification - Holistic Dentistry NJ

What is Natural Detoxification ?   Here is answer this question ...We are constantly being exposed to various toxins from our environment, such as heavy metals, chemicals, radiation, and acids. When these toxins enter our body, they may exert adverse effects, which can result in symptoms or disease. In order to understand resistance and susceptibility, we need to be familiar with the system designed to protect us and prevent disease.  This system is composed of three sequential parts:   1. Identification: The Immune System carries out this process. 2. Neutralization: The Detoxification System performs this task 3. Elimination: The  Elimination System colon and kidneys work to remove toxins. In the face of such evidence, how can a diagnosis of toxicity be determined? First, the question of antibiotics must be resolved. What specific toxins are there, where are they located, and to what extent are they affecting the body? Second is the ...